Social Media

The Art Of Facebook Advertising

Facebook advertising is an art. Beyond radio and newspaper advertising, billboards, and park benches, your audience is on Facebook and Instagram. Every. Single. Day.

From the moment your perfect customer wakes up to when they go to bed, they are constantly checking newsfeeds, stories & discovering new experiences they may enjoy. Information is so outrageously accessible; you need to keep up with staying in front of your audience. Your audience might be ready to try something new, so how do you make them realize that you’re still perfect for them? How do you attract new customers, grow your audience, and retain them for a long time?

Show them the reason why with compelling Facebook and Instagram ads.


Build your ad with an image or a video that evokes emotion. Your audience’s brain is telling them what they see in front of them is an ad, but their heart is telling them otherwise! The image should include minimal text and instead, tell a story.

Here is an example:

Your rug cleaning service uses a natural method that is safe enough for your beloved pet to be around. How do you express that in an image? Find an image of a very adorable animal on a very clean rug. Most people are dog lovers (emotion). The image tells the exact story you are trying to get across.

Look at those eyes!


Include a direct call to action. Give your audience a clear sense of direction in your ad based on what you would like them to do. In this example, you want them to begin an inquiry with your company and want them to feel that it is safe to contact you. Notice the word ‘FREE’ is in all caps? That is because your audience might enjoy free stuff. Don’t be afraid to play around with your headlines and call to actions. Testing out how your audience interacts with your call-to-action is the best way to find out what resonates with your audience and what gets them to take action!

Give them some direction

Make it worth their time:

Get to the point in your ad and make it worth your audience’s time. You have a small window of time to capture your audience’s attention.  Make your text count! You’ll need to capture their attention, evoke emotion & make sure they understand who you are. The point of most Facebook Ads is to get your audience familiar with you, understand why you are important, and get them to interact with you.

Here is an example. Remember that rug cleaning service?

Putting it all together...

The copy evokes emotion. Your audience most likely has a pet and/or a child. Your audience wants them safe, right!? The text tells them why this product is good for them and asks them to take action.

It takes practice

Putting together the perfect Facebook ad takes a bit of practice. But utilizing the three key ingredients of Emotion, Direction, and Incentive you can give your next campaign a real boost! Once you’ve mastered Facebook it might be time to set your sites on new horizons and check out the other top Social platforms to be on. Or take your posts to the next level using engaging videos!

Brad Solomon

Digital Marketing Strategist
Brad is a high energy digital marketing strategist focused on helping companies achieve ever increasing sales levels. Specializing in social media advertising, website creation, SEO, Google Adwords (Google Adwords Certified), email marketing, remote sales training, and much more.

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