Social Media

Remember, Remember (Tie A String Around Your ‘Social’ Finger)

Remember >> In today’s world we are all living a life ‘on the record’ – everyone is their own brand, and everything they share, post, publish, and tweet must be a part of their PR strategy. And yes, there are occurrences where people are going to events just for the simple fact that they can share on social (thus, heightening their brand).

Remember >> The content that you are putting out – blog posts, videos, live-streams – are the gateway drug to more website visits, more brand recognition, and overall…more business. And in this uber sharing, media abundant, virality spark-plug that we live in, we are all just one really great piece of content away from having our life change (could THIS be it?).

Remember >> As an entrepreneur, business owner, and even in life in general – you are going to fail. It’s a fact of life that not everything will go smoothly, as you hope, or successfully. But fail early, fail often, and LEARN from those moments of failure. Learn a better way to do something, and learn to rebuild yourself. And in the end – you cannot be afraid to fail. That fear will inevitably stop you from achieving your dreams!

Remember >> The number of shares a post has on Facebook or retweets on Twitter, or views on your live-stream do not ensure success. There needs to be a conversion. To gain that conversion you need to have a high volume of high quality, compelling content (hmm…we’ve said this before! Definitely worth a repeat). This content is first creating interest, then creating a relationship with a potential customer, which, in turn, sets up your call-to-action.

Remember >> You’ll need to continually edit, revise, and tweak your content to see what works best on what platform. Of current importance, of course, is that of determining on Instagram how, and why, your content may or may not be getting the ‘love’ it was once getting. Instagram now doesn’t post to feeds chronologically as it used to, but instead posts based on an algorithm. While this change is still very new, you’ll want to continue working with your content to see what pictures are gaining the most appreciation (as well as by what demographic, and at what time of day you are posting).

Can Loud Canvas Media help to manage your social media? Or develop a social strategy? Get in touch here or call us at  (833) LOUD-CANVAS.
Chad Dorman

Social Media Manager
Part marketing strategist, part educator, all business. Chad is a proven communicator, lending his social media expertise to Loud Canvas Media. From building out brands and businesses on any number of social platforms from scratch, to giving clients tactics to reach new digital marketing heights, Chad is the guy for the job. He’s a practitioner; he’s always on top of the digital landscape; and he’s focused on the business of attention — pointing all eyeballs to you–boosting your brand’s awareness.

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