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Facebook Ads versus Faceboost Boosts

Oh, Facebook! Where would we be without all your options? Today, I’m here to chat with you about the difference between Facebook Ads and Facebook Boosting. If you have a business on Facebook, you have more than likely been prompted to boost one or more of your posts. Maybe you’ve tried it.  But, did you know that there is a whole other world just for business owners called ‘Facebook Business Manager’? This is where Facebook Ads lives. Let’s discover the purposes of both.

When to boost a post?

“Boosting” your post is the simplest way to advertise on Facebook. They certainly make it easy to tap the boost button with only a few choices. However, boosted posts don’t have all the same customization or target features that are available to a marketer such as yourself!  When you boost your post, you’re defining 3 things.

  • Who you are targeting such as interests, age, and gender
  • Your budget
  • The length of time you want to boost your post.

You’ll want to boost your post if you’re trying to increase overall brand awareness via Page or post likes, comments, or shares. Boosting may be the way to go as a first step in your campaign to increase your audience’s reach.  However, Facebook Ads give you a lot more options to narrow down your target and define what you are trying to accomplish.

When to use Facebook Ads?

Well, what are you trying to accomplish?  This type of question is presented when you visit to create a Facebook Ad. What is your marketing objective? Do you want awareness, consideration, or conversion?  If you think you already have a pretty good-sized audience, perhaps you’d like them to consider your product even more by watching videos, giving you their email address or engage with your Facebook Page This consideration objective allows you to continue to build the trust with your audience.  Then after you’ve laid a good foundation, you might consider your objective to be a conversion to your event, buy a product, or even visiting your store.
Facebook Ads empowers you to build a relationship with your potential and current audience by giving you the tools to help you reach your business objectives.
In addition to these options, there are a plethora of other choices.

  • Choose where your ad is placed: Do you want it placed in Facebook News Feed side ads, Messenger ads, Instagram Stories, instant articles, or the audience network?
  • Get creative with ad control: Design an ad that uses carousel ads, define your call-to-action, and format how you like.
  • Ready-Set-Target! Use lookalike audiences, retargeting, further define what your demographic looks like in Facebook Ads Manager.

Boosting your post is a great place to start if you’re new to marketing. Using Facebook Ads definitely lets you reach your goals with more efficiency. And hey, we know that as a business owner you’re wearing so many hats, there may not be enough time ( or headspace) to wear them all. If marketing your business is overwhelming you, let the pros at Loud Canvas take the pressure off. We’ll wear the marketing hat and review our steps with you along the way, so you’re always in the know.

Erinn Berge

Sales Director & Customer Relationship Manager
Erinn has over 20 years of business experience in web development and online marketing, building websites, creating strategic marketing campaigns and specializing in the equestrian industry. She founded Top Line Media Team, an equestrian marketing firm, now a division of Loud Canvas. She developed skills in website/marketing project management, remote team management, and customer relationship by way of growing her own company. She earned a bachelor’s degree from the State University of NY at Morrisville and loves to work directly with clients, consulting with them on best practices of the web, and providing direction for website and marketing.

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