SEO/Search Engine Optimization

All HTTP Sites to be Labeled "Not Secure" by Google
GOOGLE MAKES PROFOUND CHANGE TO INTERNET In what is quite likely the most significant (and equally the most unfair) move in internet history, Google began labeling any site that is not HTTPS as “Not Secure” in 2017. It labeled non-https sites (which represents 82% of the internet) in both its Google Chrome browser as well [Read More]
LinkedIn’s Changes (And Why You Should Spend Time on the Platform)
You may have noticed in the last few weeks two MAJOR changes that LinkedIn has made: 1) Posts now go public. 2) Users can natively upload video. It may have only been a matter of time, but these updates continue to make this ‘business first’ platform one that is also quite the content-sharing application. Your [Read More]

Not Utilizing Video on Your Website? You Should Be
Video is becoming more and more prominent on the web. Social media platforms like Facebook have become the next networks and go-to spots for news updates and live-streams. Video is, at its core, much easier for people to ‘digest’ – the ability to watch something instead of reading an article is a more passive, seemingly [Read More]

Changes to Your Website That Will Boost Your Brand’s Attention in 2017
In today’s world, if you have a business that doesn’t have a website… then you are probably not in business much longer. And even still, with a website you and your team need to make sure that the page is up-to-date, responsive, and above all – mobile. Not having a top-flight website coincides with not [Read More]

Improve SEO by Posting Content More Often
Going online is an everyday occurrence; people are spending more time on the Internet now than ever before. If the sites that you frequently visit never added new content, you would get bored, lose interest, and rarely check back with the page. When was the last time you made an update to your site? Think of [Read More]

The Case for HTTPS Sites (Improved Google Rank)
In August of 2014, Google made the announcement that switching your website from HTTP to HTTPS would give your site a minor boost in rankings as HTTPS was made a ranking indicator in search engines. Sure, it’s almost been a full two years, and while it’s a seemingly simple change many companies have not yet [Read More]

Why We are In Love With Lists
You’re nearing the deadline for your blog post and you’re having trouble pulling the whole thing together. You have an outline of some quality work, snippets of information, and it flows well overall. Thing is, you’re lacking structure – paragraphs aren’t quite paragraphs, sentences aren’t quite sentences. It is constantly said that some content is [Read More]