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Social Media

Increase Your Social ‘Realness’

Just as the technology of our world changes each day, social media is progressing at the speed of light. On any number of platforms, businesses and brands are able to reach multitudes of users – and these users are individuals who know EXACTLY what they are looking for. They are not looking for content just for the sake of having something to read or watch – they desire value, something they can take with them to improve their own lives. Whether it’s on Twitter, Snapchat, or any method of live-streaming, users are looking to interact with meaningful conversation and engagement. Our tips below will provide you with guidelines of what you can do right NOW to step up your social game in becoming increasingly, and truly, social.

1) Do not fake the funk. It seems like a common sense tip, but there are many social users who claim they are an expert in something that they know minimal about. They think that they can Google information and then pass it off as their own. A rude awakening for those folks is that the users looking for information can tell when something is not quite right – they are well-informed, aware, and not shy about doing their own research to see if you are truly knowledgeable about your subject matter.

They will not hesitate to turn their attention to any one of the hundred other so-called ‘experts’ out there. Truthfully build out your profile, state what you know, and stay in your lane. By being true, you’ll gain and retain a true audience – people that will engage genuinely with your posts. And oh yeah… being yourself is ultimately the easiest, most comfortable, and seamless way to present yourself and your information on social.

2) Staying with the aspects of ‘staying real’ – when you are asking for something on social, literally ask for it. If you met someone in real life, you wouldn’t beat around the bush to get exactly what you want. Whether its Twitter, or Facebook, or any other platform, be personable, be upfront, and be specific.

Further, be personable – you’re not a machine so don’t act automated. On Twitter, in particular, users typically have an automated direct message sent when a new user follows them.

It says something generic, often boring, and annoyingly direct in the “Follow me on LinkedIn”, “Check out my website”, “Take my online course” content language. Sure, send an introductory message but send something meaningful and personable instead. Check out their profile, find similarities and like-interests, and speak to those. Even something as simple as, “Thanks for following, I look forward to connecting!” goes a long way. Build up a relationship from that first message, and it’s easier to do so when you’re speaking on common ground. Chat with the user a few times before then asking that they find your webpage, click your link, or follow you on another platform.

Can Loud Canvas Media help to manage your social media? Or develop a social strategy? Get in touch here or call us at (833) LOUD-CANVAS.
Chad Dorman

Social Media Manager
Part marketing strategist, part educator, all business. Chad is a proven communicator, lending his social media expertise to Loud Canvas Media. From building out brands and businesses on any number of social platforms from scratch, to giving clients tactics to reach new digital marketing heights, Chad is the guy for the job. He’s a practitioner; he’s always on top of the digital landscape; and he’s focused on the business of attention — pointing all eyeballs to you–boosting your brand’s awareness.

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