Digital Marketing

What Makes Great Content?

You know your brand needs an online presence, and you know you need to put out great content that will resonate with your audience and community.  Content – as they say – is king and is the vehicle to boosting your business’ SEO while gaining attention and traffic in generating leads.

The question becomes: what makes great content?

Creativity and authenticity are paramount, and you’ll need to put in the time and effort to develop a large quantity of high-quality pieces – blogs, images, videos, etc. You want your content to be three things – original, actionable, and engaging.

When published content is original, search engines will work to give your site (and blog) more exposure. Take Google for example – original content is rewarded, while content that is recycled is penalized. Remember too that with fresh content it is also best to have originality – not only for Google and your website but for your audience on your social platforms! Reusing concepts and ideas on numerous posts will get boring for your audience rather quickly, and they’ll choose to go elsewhere with their attention.

We’re often asked – but what should we showcase for content? Individuals tend to overlook and overthink their content creation and curation. Looking at a day’s activities as a sort of ‘storyboard’ will allow you to derive content that is authentic and real.  You want to tell the story of who your business is and what you represent, so in place of publishing content that solely touches on your service or product coupled with a handful of hashtags, focus on telling your story. Don’t just tell your audience and community who you are, show them!

Share pictures of your workplace, meetings, of the tasks you’re accomplishing for clients, even lunch breaks and fun moments – post anything and everything that tells the story of what happens in your office on that day. Hiring a new employee? A promotion? Showcase those individuals so that followers can see the people that make your business so successful.

Clients and followers both new and old are curious, so publish information that literally showcases and discusses the processes of how your business plan is created and executed on. Allowing users to see behind-the-scenes is a great move to build comfort and trust. Show off various steps in your process, including drafts and brainstorming sessions, and allow individuals to really get a sense of who you are and how to operate.

Pulling back the curtain on your business – instead of singularly pushing for sales – will allow for a more engaged audience.  They will want to see and read more, will become intrigued by your story, and they will be entertained. And – above all – they’ll learn: how you serve your community, and how you can potentially help them!

Great content isn’t easy, but it can be much easier when you share information that you believe in, are passionate about, and are really living in that moment that you capture.

Chad Dorman

Social Media Manager
Part marketing strategist, part educator, all business. Chad is a proven communicator, lending his social media expertise to Loud Canvas Media. From building out brands and businesses on any number of social platforms from scratch, to giving clients tactics to reach new digital marketing heights, Chad is the guy for the job. He’s a practitioner; he’s always on top of the digital landscape; and he’s focused on the business of attention — pointing all eyeballs to you–boosting your brand’s awareness.

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