Loud Canvas News

New Site Launch: Heavy Construction Academy
LCM is proud to announce the launch of Heavy Construction Academy’s new website! They have a TON of great information regarding their program, but on their old site, they simply weren’t able to express just what they could offer. The information was jumbled, the site was difficult to navigate, and it hadn’t been mobile-ready. Their [Read More]

New Site Launch: Coyote Creek Outfitters
We are proud to announce the launch of Coyote Creek Outfitters’ brand new website! Their new site is so simple for users to navigate, and with images that pop from the page, they will be able to easily drive attention to their tremendous products and services. Coyote Creek Outfitters was established six years ago in [Read More]

New Site Launch: Backgrounds Plus
We recently worked with Backgrounds Plus to launch their brand new website, giving them a sharp looking home on the Internet! Not only did we update each facet of the site, but we gave their brand and online presence a whole new look and feel. We know that they have a service that is better [Read More]

New Site Launch: Londonderry Physical Therapy
The launch of Londonderry Physical Therapy’s new website gives them a sleek home on the internet – one that is incredibly easy for patients of past, present, and future to navigate. After reviewing design with the team to know exactly what they were looking for, Loud Canvas Media was able to efficiently create a professional [Read More]

New Site Launch: Accel Physical Therapy
Accel Physical Therapy is opening for business and they needed a logo, web design, and digital marketing that would not only attract customers, but would capture just who they are as a new clinic. We did that and then some, creating a digital footprint that they can be very proud of.Both the logo and the [Read More]

New Site Launch: Smitty’s Cinema
The launch of Smitty’s Cinema’s new website gives them a digital home that fits exactly who they are – unmatched by any other. Simply put, their new site – smittyscinema.com – is unlike that of any other movie house, just as they too are a cut above any other local theater. Smitty’s offers ‘Movies, Meals, [Read More]

LCM Visits WTSN’s ‘Open Mic’ with Mike Pomp on 98.1
Back in February, Loud Canvas Media had the honor of being a guest on WTSN’s Open Mic morning show with host Mike Pomp. The topics of discussion included social media management and digital marketing, as well as website design, development, and security. For reference, we’ve compiled the best information from the interview below. A big [Read More]

2 Social Media Trends Set to Get Even Larger in 2017
Live-Content: Live-streaming, as big as it has gotten, is primed to get even bigger. Regarding video, YouTube was a hit about 12 years ago and now it is more of a player in entertainment than many large networks on television. Just as radio was in many ways replaced by TV, the TV is now seemingly [Read More]

Think You Need to Upgrade Your Website? Ask Yourself These 5 Questions
Your website is oftentimes your customers’ first impression of your brand or business. And further, as we’ve moved into a mobile-first world, how your site is viewed on a mobile device is often at the crux of how your brand is perceived. That said, you definitely want to be sure that your site is up-to-date, [Read More]

Loud Canvas Media Acquires Simple Nation
We are excited to share that we will be acquiring Simple Nation, a Vermont based web design firm. Simple Nation specializes in not only web design, but also Content Management, Search Engine Optimization, and E-Commerce solutions. Coming under the Loud Canvas Media fold, these focal points will push our business to the next level, another [Read More]

Train of Thought Series: Web Development
Second, in our ‘Train of Thought’ series: We wanted to provide both a brief overview of web development as well as commentary on the subject from some of the greatest minds in the business (much like we did for our ‘Web Design’ segment). The term ‘web development’ is very generic as it can stand for [Read More]

New Site Launch: Spine & Sports Physical Therapy
This summer has been a very busy one for us here at Loud Canvas Media, and we wanted to showcase some websites that we’ve recently launched for clients of ours, starting with one we did for Spine & Sports Physical Therapy. We reviewed with Spine & Sports PT to determine exactly what they wanted on [Read More]

Small Business Reminders – What Is There To Love?
As we near Valentine’s Day it is, of course, a good time to reflect on, and spend time with, those we love. It’s also a time, especially as a small business owner or a fledgling entrepreneur, to take a good hard look at your business plan. At your social media marketing. At your development strategies. [Read More]

Is Your Brand ‘Super Bowl’ Ready?
Think about your business right this instant. Are you Super Bowl ready? I don’t mean playing in the big game between the Broncos and the Panthers on February 7th, and I’m not pushing you to market around it in this post (though you should contemplate it if you haven’t already planned to do so). But [Read More]

Fundraising with a Social Fabric
As we’ve recently been developing fundraisers for some of our clients, I figured it was a good time to delve into how today’s social media world can really amplify a fundraising process. Remember: social media in many ways resembles word-of-mouth interaction. How else are you going to get the word out about your fundraiser, or [Read More]